Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Halloween/John's Birthday

We had a great Halloween Party. All of our good friends showed and we had a keg with a lot of beer pong going on. I did not get involved in that crazy game. John dressed up as Bravehart
and I dressed up like Beth the bounty hunter. It was an awesome good time.


We all had a wonderful time. We were invited over to Heather's moms house. Great food and family. That is what the holiday season is all about.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rowan's First Birthday

This handsome little guy turned one in November. He is not walking at this time. He can really get around very quickly and I can't keep up with this little cutie.

Kindergarten Already!

Rylan is in kingarten and that is hard to believe. I got to have lunch with him. He was so cute. He saved seats for his grandparents.

July 4th Party

We had a kegger for this holiday. It was a crazy good time. Check out our silly kids.